Restless and not young anymore 

The trouble begins every time we turn on the news or manically scan the latest online  gimmick, curated by robot, based on our particular tastes, stylistic choices and the plethora of brands associated with our cultural ADD. Collective ADD (metaphorically-speaking because someone removed it as a medical condition) involves clicking on multiple sites within seconds, … Continue reading Restless and not young anymore 

Little Big Man

  The Revenant is a throwback to a different era, when studios routinely took gambles on original stories. Today’s movie business is basically fractured into two different kinds of pictures: the under $20 million acclaimed adult drama (such as “Brooklyn,” “Carol,” “Spotlight” and “Room”), a genre that’s quickly shrinking; and blockbuster sequels (only one of … Continue reading Little Big Man

This is when it began the notion of the rock star. Rock 'n roll had been around since Chuck Berry morphed into Elvis, but really the notion of a 'star is born' germinated with the stage presence and following audiences surrounding the cultural shift in 1969. Jimi Hendrix, being the King of, with many, many … Continue reading

The man on the moon 

The black and white television by the fireplace was where they watched the moon landing and the black and white helicopters in the jungles of South East Asia. Walter Cronkite. The epitome of what news was supposed to be, for a brief instant. Mike Wallace and more cynical hardened journalistic dug outs would transpire in … Continue reading The man on the moon 

A Game Changer in Sheep’s Cloning 

They came in, not silently, but disguised as something else entirely, something nobody really noticed yet everyone would feel the effects of over the coming innocuous battles for the hearts and minds who just wanted a boob tube to suckle and a guarantee that their doctors could patch 'em up and the bounty would keep … Continue reading A Game Changer in Sheep’s Cloning